ID Please and Suggestions to Eliminate


I've had this tank in operation 15 + years and over the last 5 years once and awhile i get outbreaks of these weird green tubular like growths. They spread quite fast and only solution seems to be manual removal and they just disappear. When you grab them and pinch with your fingers they seem to be soft but also calcified at the same time. Any idea what they are and any suggestions other than manual removal (which is a real PIA since they are in some many cracks and crevices.)
Looks like Neomeris sp. Usually dies off but can be invasive as you seem to have found. To my knowledge, not much eats it due to be a calcified algae

Looks like Neomeris sp. Usually dies off but can be invasive as you seem to have found. To my knowledge, not much eats it due to be a calcified algae

Agree. What are your water parameters? Particularly nitrate and phosphate?
Could be an imbalance between NO3 and PO4. You don’t want either at zero.

How long have they been growing in your tank? I had some grow in one of my tanks and I just left them alone and they died off in a few weeks.