ID Please! brown growth


In Memoriam
Can someone assit in IDingthis growth, please.


and those red little 'scales' seem to be flatworms?! they have been eatng at the brown growth ... but it regrows fast ..
Honestlty I would try some of the flat worm exit stuff. you added a mandrin for removal, because they are rumored to sometimes eat them, but you have them bad. most would not recomend adding a mandrin in a tank as new as yours, as the pod population is still developing.

as far as removal of hydroids. I have no answer, but I would not add any fish rumored to eat them as your bioload is goint to get crazy if you ad a new fish to solve a problem everytime one comes up. I say remove hydroiod effected rock, cook it, and use flat exit and STOP BUYING FISH!
Looks like you have some zoo's on that Rock. If you don't want to "cook" the rock and don't mind adding a small fish, Why not buy a Six-line Wrasse?

Personally, I don't like adding unnecessary Chemicals to my Tank. It might take a little more time for the fish to knock down your Flatworm population, but you will never have to worry about an outbreak again.
My 300 had a pretty heavy infestation of flatworms. I did 3 treatments of flatworm exit (every other week, with a 30 gallon water change). No more flatworms. Haven't seen any for about 6 months. Unless of course you count the colony that was in my frag tank and ended up in my angel tank. Still none in the big tank.

I also have a mandarin and a six line.
all good things come in 2, right? ... i think i'll start with the flatworm issue first ... maybe this weekend ... and then next weekend work a little on the hydroid issue ....