ID please, Hairy Mushroom?


New member
I got these when they were tiny and they're growing. It looks like a hairy mushroom but the tentacles are not forked like in pictures that I've seen. Also, can you feed these like rics or are they photosynthetic only? They are about an inch in diameter and you can't see it in the pictures but they have mouths in the center.
my purple hairys will eat thawed pealed shrimp in bits an pieces..non cooked..its cool to watch them eat..
Thanks bigScott. I tried feeding them little pieces of thawed shrimp but they didn't grab hold. Of course it doesn't help that they're only an inch in diameter. Maybe they'll eat when they get bigger.
They look like Rhodactis rhodostoma. I have one that has grown from 1.5" to 3" over the last two months.