ID Please? monti?


New member
can someone tell me if this is a monti? it has brown polyps with bright blue base...thanks

Hey, Pinoy. U just got'em ? polys might turn red, then U got yourself a red and blue monti like the man of steel. :)
really? I got him yesterday with just the name blue monti. hope it doesn't turn into superman cuz I already have one =(.....thanks and will wait till it colors up...
I would'nt complain about something like that. I'm sure ther are 100's of people on here that will be more than happy to trade you for a brown polyp monti if yours colors up. Don't worry about it.:)
I would be suprised if the polyps don't turn red. It looks just how my wild colony looked before it colored up completely.
how long before It will turn into a different polyp. its on my 75g with 2x250 14k and 4-T5 with 6000k and AB +.... well thanks a lot for all your opinions and for sure will update it when polyp turns different colors...
oh yeah should I put this on a high flow and medium light cuz that where he sits now .. pls let me know if what is the recommened flow and lighting for thismonti to color up nice. Once again thanks for all your comments and help...
