ID please


New member
Picked this up at the LFS the other day. All I was told was its a mushroom... It has doubled in size in a week and looks awesome. These pics don't do it any justice. Also, do they split on their own? Or do I have to cut them?




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Rodactis without doubt. This species grow-up a lot. Don't cut, split yourself.
Good luck.

Picked this up at the LFS the other day. All I was told was its a mushroom... It has doubled in size in a week and looks awesome. These pics don't do it any justice. Also, do they split on their own? Or do I have to cut them?
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I've got several. Rhodactis indosinensis aka Metallic Green/Hairy Mushroom. Super hardy just like Ricordea... I love all mushrooms :-)
My mushroom pictured above split on me the other day. The main part is bigger than what is pictured above (it got huge before splitting), and the smaller piece is about the size of a half dollar at most. Is splitting normal on these? I admit I don't know much about them other than it looks awesome!