ID red turf algae please


New member
Can some one help ID this red turf macro algae and possible solution to get rid of it? I only got a 10g tank so I dont think adding a fish would be good.

If left unchecked it can over grow my coral and smother them.

Did a search and nothing of good value showed up.



For sure it's a pain in the butt to remove. The algae I have has real thin branches. In the second pic I posted you can kind of see the size of this algae by looking at the zoos or the blue ric on the same rock.

i know that a blue tang and Sohal tang will eat the stuff I have because I gave a few pieces of coral infested rock away and those two fishes I mentioned loved the stuff. unfortunalty I only have a 10g tank. So far i've been putting some of the infested rock in a bucket of saltwater in the darkness starving the algae from light. But some of my corals I cant remove and really dont want to get rid of them.

Maybe a emerald crab will munch them along with my bubble algae.
These are Gelidiopsis or Wiry Algae. Since your tank is not big enough for tangs, you should try having a Diadema Spiny Urchin to solve your problem.
Well Splendid was correct about the Red Algae. But In small tanks that type of Aglae will take over if you don't help rip it out. If you try a Tuxedo Urchin they might do the job. If you don't have any hard corals or clams you might consider a blenny. Or just take the rock out. I see that rock all the time.[edited]
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I'm having a problem with the same alga. Not sure density man has a correct ID though ? Anybody else have this alga ? Any recommended critters that will eat it ? I won't bother with an urchin as I have enough coraline to keep one happy for years before it'll attack anything else :rolleyes: .

I had a common red hermit crab (probably 3 inches) in my old tank that would attack any algae, especially macros, that i put in. I don't know if it would work for you, but they're cheap (i got mine for like $6) and they are easy to remove when the jobs done.

That being said, he also ate a few hairy mushrooms before i caught him in the act. Now he's in another tank by himself. So, be careful if you have other things in there he may have a taste for.
I wouldn't bet the ranch on those "sea monsters" , I have dozens of the small ones in the infected tank.

Did add two turbos and an emerald crab and it appears the turbos are eating it.


I have the same problem in my 110g tank. The stuff grows like weeds and I have to manually pull it by hand have every month. Then it grows back. I have a tuxedo urchin but i don't think it touches it. Has anyone had success it controlling this algae?
The turbos have cleared about 75% of the short fuzzy alga from my rock. There's one spot where it's longer than the rest, perhaps a different alga, that they appear to be avoid. But it's only been a few days so I'll wait and see.


I guess I'm the only one but I'm actually trying to get algea growing in my main tank. I've had 3 different verieties disapear in the last 2 weeks, I've removed several crabs including an emerald I thought where the "problem". I had a red varieity that looked very close to what you have only larger.

Last night I caught one of my turbos eating the last of a huge pile of ulva and my grapevine was totally gone, both added yesterday.
The 4 I have are large about the size of a golf ball, I believe called "mexican turbo snails". I'm going to move mine because of the macro eating so I would try them if I where you. They are cleap $1.99 and 1 won't add much bioload for a 10g.
I'll give the turbo snails three thumbs up !!

hmott, Your larger variety is probably gracillaria. A more benign type of alga than the fine encrusting type we're discussing.
