I have this orange fuzz growing on my live rock in one section of my 125g tank (but nowhere else). The area in the photos is towards the top of a live rock "mountain," with decent flow all around it. It's not up against the back or in a dead zone. (In fact, the tank is set up as a peninsula and this peak is at the viewable end with flow all around it.) I have two Tunze streams (6000 and 6060) firing down the sides, providing lots of turbulent flow.
Is this a form of algae? Sponge? I can't find any pictures online that match it. It's hard to tell from the photos, but it forms webbed areas, sometimes with small pockets. It's not "hairy" at all (like hair algae).
My params are all great. Nitrates <5. Phosphates 0. Alk 10. Ca 450. pH 8.2. SG 1.024. Mag 1250. I have plenty of nice coralline growth. No cyano. sps and lps are doing great.
This orange fuzz has been growing slowly over the last two months. It crept up onto an sps I had just above it and killed the bottom of the coral. When I noticed it, I scrubbed and flushed that area. The rest of that sps is doing great now (in a different spot).
I've put a nudibranch on it (thinking it might be a sponge). No luck. Lettuce slug doesn't look at it. Emerald crabs are uninterested. I'd appreciate any ideas concerning what this is and how to get rid of it.
Is this a form of algae? Sponge? I can't find any pictures online that match it. It's hard to tell from the photos, but it forms webbed areas, sometimes with small pockets. It's not "hairy" at all (like hair algae).
My params are all great. Nitrates <5. Phosphates 0. Alk 10. Ca 450. pH 8.2. SG 1.024. Mag 1250. I have plenty of nice coralline growth. No cyano. sps and lps are doing great.
This orange fuzz has been growing slowly over the last two months. It crept up onto an sps I had just above it and killed the bottom of the coral. When I noticed it, I scrubbed and flushed that area. The rest of that sps is doing great now (in a different spot).
I've put a nudibranch on it (thinking it might be a sponge). No luck. Lettuce slug doesn't look at it. Emerald crabs are uninterested. I'd appreciate any ideas concerning what this is and how to get rid of it.