Thanks I believe it is really nice as a matter of fact I have decided I really like this coral which seems to be very hardy, easy to keep, am I right anyof you now very much about their care requirements? I will be looking to add more of these to my tank!
A deeper water photosynthetic coral. Low flow, moderate to low light. Does not adjust well to being moved. Set it and leave it alone. You can feed cyclopese and or bits of mysis and brine. I my experience they wane in nutrient poor water such as in an sps tank.
They get really poofy to stick to their prey- i recommend cyclopeez and mysis (brine unless hours within hatching isn't very nutritious)
Also keep an eye on your Ca and Alk levels- not sure if you have many stonies but once you have a few these levels get used up very quickly. If this is your only stony regular weekly water changes with a good salt should be enough to replace the lost elements.
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