ideas for moonlighting


New member
OK, so i recently upgraded my lighting to 2 250watt aquamedic pendants, over an open top aquarium.

i didnt think of how much i liked my moonlight leds on my old fixture, so whats the best, cleanest-looking way to add night/moonlights to my tank again.

i tried the coralife aqualight 1watt "locline" looking thing but it isnt wide enough to fit on the top of my tank, and the suction cup thing makes it impossible to get the LED over my tank....

so im looking for ideas guys, i know some one here will have a great one, so stop keeping it a secret and tell me

anyone with pendants want to show me how they have their LEDs set up???

Get a canopy, LOL. Actually, see if there is a way to mod the penants. Possibly by creating a ring for the base. Do you have any pics so we can brainstorm.
the ones i have are from fishbowl innovations, search for them.

anyhow they are really sweet. theres links you can by, 1 link covers 2 ft or so, theres like 6 leds all pointed in diagonal directions to light the whole tank. it also comes with a dial and timer taht simulates the moon over a 30 day period, or you can dial in the brightness to exactly what you want.
I have the current ones and they are REALLY BRIGHT!! I had the link so there were 4 but it was too bring for my bedroom and now I just have 2 and I still had to put a bit of white out on them to dim them a bit!! If you go with the Current, I have an extra link!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12166766#post12166766 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by str8clownr
smchais, yes those are my fixtures, can u go into more detail on what id rig to the lip?

Depending on which moonlights you have is depending on how I would mod the pendant. If you want give me a call and I can help walk you through the ideas. I will pm you with the number.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12169377#post12169377 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by venom00viper
I just stapled some blue led christmas lights I got on sale after christmas inside my canopy. they work great.


lol awesome