Ideas for my final fish

I have a 60 fowlr and so far I have the following
Green spot puffer
Lawn mower blenny
Maroon clown
Samara squirrel fish
Kupang damsel
Royal gramma
For my final addition I'm trying to decide between one of the following
Bi color angel
Coral beauty angel
Flame angel
Kole tang
Fairy wrasse
Any suggestions is appreciated
I've been told a few times to get rid of the squirell, its my fave though. Why all the hate for the

I said why in your other thread. It's a 9" fish with venomous spines that eats small fish and shrimp, and it does it at night.

Oh, simply a size thing. Dont they get well over 6 inches?

You are right. Fishbase lists a max TL of 32cm (12.6") and a common length of 23cm (9").
I know, i was making a joke. The same can be said for Fox faces, lionfish, puffers triggers etc... with regards to venom, size or predatory behavior ( maybe not all three ) Anywho, any ideas for my final fish that don't require getting rid of anything?
A Kole tang would be a beautiful addition to your tank. It is a nice, even-tempered fish.
I have a Coral Beauty. She's gorgeous and also mild mannered BUT she's a little nipper. Correction: a BIG muncher. She obliterated my Derasa and Maxima clams and tore my Pulsating Xenia to shreds. :mad2:
Get one ONLY if you want to keep your tank FOWLR, or get a nice Racoon Butterfly if you want to add nice bright color to your tank.
Yep. That Squirrel will eventually give you problems.
Just food for thought.
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I know, i was making a joke. The same can be said for Fox faces, lionfish, puffers triggers etc... with regards to venom, size or predatory behavior ( maybe not all three ) Anywho, any ideas for my final fish that don't require getting rid of anything?
Hi! I like the Coral Beauty....I have one and love him....

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Thanks for the replies. Someone mentioned the raccooon butterfly. That looked amazing, but on liveeaquaria it said I need a 125. Would it work in my 60g? If so, that's my pick!
Didn't see where you said my 60 is too small for the butterfly... too bad. Would my tank be overstocked if I went with the fairy wrasse and the coral beauty?