

New member
Never seen this guy before. Take him out?


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Do you have any zoas? Some are not bad, but they are hard to tell apart from the ones that are. So I would remove it.

Do you have any zoas? Some are not bad, but they are hard to tell apart from the ones that are. So I would remove it.

Yes. Quite a few different zoas. I noticed they started closing up. Maybe this thing was agitating them?

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Started snooping and believe I found an egg sack! Should I removed all zoas and put them in a different tank temporarily?

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More than likely this nudi is not "agitating" your zoas, but eating them. Remove any nudis you find and remove those eggs (if you can remove the rock and scapr them off great, otherwise, a turkey baster usually does the trick).

Also, it you go the tweezer removal route, make sure to get a solid grip on them because their little spines pop right off and they float away to safety on the current.

Looks just like the ones I just had the pleasure of prying off my zoas. If they are all closed up, it’s likely they are getting chomped on. Take a close look at the zoas and you’ll likely see one or two of these guys waste-deep inside a closed polyp. Vigilance will defeat them.
I've read quite a bit of success dosing flatworm exit and killing these as well. I purchased some and will start dipping my colonies weekly to kill them. I'll keep you all updated!

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