Idisc's 24G Aquapod

Does anyone know of a good magnet cleaner for these AIO tanks with the rounded corners. My mag float really doesn't do the best job in the corners lol. I am still deciding against the media basket or the skimmer. I would honestly love to run them both if possible.

Have not seen the pearly jawfish eat yet, but hopefully he will show some signs of eating. He has been out and about though.
I ordered this light on Amazon. I think it costed me $120 for 1 day shipping. Pretty much the same thing you can get on ebay for under 90$, but I just felt better with it being sold on amazon for return policy ect.. if anything was wrong.

I am gonna have to order one of them. Right now I have to use my mag float for the sides and then a scrub brush for the corners lol. Seems like I need to clean the glass once every 4-5 days which is not bad. On top of that I do it again on WC day.

As I have been monitoring my Alk a little bit more closely I have been losing about 1dkh to 1.5dkh each day. I am trying to keep it steady at 9dkh which is about 3ml of fusion part 2 daily. The weird thing is that my Calc is not really being used up at all and mag is staying consistent at 1350ish.

What is your experience with sps corals?
Ummm I'm not sure. I know a lot of them have branding on them, but mine do not. I will look at the packaging when I get home.
Well it has been a little while since last updated and we are currently into starting week 3 of the tank and here is how things are going.

New Frags:

- Valida Frag - Beauty
- Green Monti Cap - Very Small, but they grow fast.
- Red Planet Frag - Small, but nice with great polyp extension.

New Fish / Dead Fish:

- The Pearly Jawfish that I got is no longer around..was doing good and then gone.
- Green Mandarin - Was great when I went home and the next day was dead.

Of course the tank parameters are great and all that jazz. I think my 2x clowns are being bullies and killing anything I add to the tank. I think I am going to remove them for a week and add the rest of my stock and then put them back....or I am going to get 2x snowflake clowns instead.

I don't have any idea what else could be killing these fish while my other 2 are doing great. These two have been paired up since 10-2014 and I think they are being bossy :(

Lightning Issue:

- I have noticed that some of my frags don't really have the polyp extension that they do at night. First I thought the current was just to strong from the RW-8, but after monitoring and some suggestions from a friend I have reduced my LED lights to almost in half. I was running blues at about 70% and full spec at 40%

- I am currently running them now at about 45% and 20%. I have already noticed the polyps on the tips extending out that only happened at night and overall PE is great.

Coralline Algae:

- This is really starting to come in all over the tank. Not so much the pink of it, but a vast majority of my rocks are turning that green color that happens as it changes to purple. For only being up and running going on 3 weeks is pretty awesome.

LPS / Softies:

- I am slowly getting rid of the ZOA's in the tank and might replace them with some palys. I just don't like how small the polyps are on them lol. I am either bringing them to a LFS or putting in my buddies frag tank. Same thing goes for my Kenya tree that I never knew was in the system.

I am still deciding if I want to keep my plate coral or not. I might create a plate garden, but who knows. I would like to find some corals that will do well on the inside of my cave...any suggestions? Low light and very gentle flow passes through. I was thinking possibly a nice it does not require light anyways :)


- Still have not bought one, but have decided that I am going with the AquaMaxx HOB-1 - This will give me the best skim for my buck and work the best for what I am trying to do. I am currently still running Chemi-Pure Elite / Purigen and floss. With my light feeding schedule and such my nitrAtes are 0-5 and phosphate is undetectable on API kit (who knows)


- Still dosing my two KZ products and will be adding 2 more in the next few weeks. I have been doing my 20% WC weekly and everything is doing great. Currently dosing around 3ml of Reef Fusion 2 (Alk) every day. Rest of my levels stay pretty well and are replenished from my weekly wc.

I have some huge turbo snails and hermits that I am going to be switching out has they are knocking a few corals over. I lost half of a peach holly wood stunner chalice overnight from it being in the sand :(

I will upload pictures when I get home and happy reefing :)
Just a few shots from the top down during a water change. Today starts week 4 and things are going smoothly.

Starting to notice a good amount of branches forming on most of the Sps :) I also have a bunch of coraline coming in slowly.







I feel awkward that no one ever posts on my thread. Is there a reason for this or do yall not like my tank?
Not to much to tell at the start of week 5. All of my levels are good besides I let my alk get low for one day down to about 6 and lost color on a few Sps. Now that levels are back to normal it seems to be leveling out.

Reducing the brightness of my lights by half cut down a ton on the amount of diatom algae I was getting on my glass weekly.

I am losing about 1-1.5dkh a day and manually dosing is becoming a pain. Yesterday I started dosing kalkwasser in my ato @ 1tsp per gallon of water and see how it does. Will be monitoring every 12 hours in case it is to much or not enough.

Starting to think about replacing my 2x clowns for a few other fish..maybe 1-2 clown gobies, a mandarin and a fire fish..just to give the tank a new feel.

Have not gotten any new coral lately as bills come first, but should be able to get a few things this weekend :)

Few shots from today:





I just remembered that since last post I did trade my 3x head lobo for that sexy sunset Milli right in the front...has super pe. Slowly removing various Lps n Sofie's as we go full Sps n chalices
It's a great looking Aquapod, I loved mine.

Great selection of corals and the light looks it's doing what it's supposed to. Good color to all your corals.

Having had this tank a lot of other nanos, the disappearance of your jawfish and mandarin is classic. The tank is just not big enough, does not have enough scape to support those fish types.

I kept a trio of Fire fish in mine, they did very well, but they are jumpers. Since your clowns are established you could try a 6 line wrasse (knowing that they can become aggressive.
Thank you both for your input :)

Well I have kept a Mandarin in a 10G for a year without any issues. This was my first jaw fish though. Either way they both should have lasted for much longer. Mandarin dead in 24 hours in a tank with thousands of pods.

I soon learned my male clown has turned into a dank..hell i get bit at least 5 times just trying to move some coral around and i believe he was the culprit.

I kinda wish I would have gotten a BC 29 instead of this, but did not have a choice. The issue mostly is the lack of mods available and skimmer choice. Although what I am currently doing is working great with 0's across the board I still want to add a nice skimmer. Yes I thought about a 6 line...but saving my pods for a mandarin.... :(