If I knew then....


New member
I have been running a 200g reef for the past 8 years. The tank is lightly stocked with SPS and has been doing well. I am going to drain the tank and sump, and get rid of the pest filled live rock that I originally started with. I will start over with new dry rock aquascaping. The current tank inhabitants will be relocated in other tanks.

My question is - After all livestock, rock, and substrate has been removed, what is the best way to kill all the leftover undesirables (bubble algae spores, aiptasia, etc.) I have heard stories about bleach, vinegar, and other chemicals but wanted to hear other's experiences. My tank is acrylic - not sure if that factors into the equation.
I always use Vinegar but I have also heard Hydrogen peroxide is a good choice as it breaks down into O2 or something and is pretty safe (**dont take my word for this**)
Well I'm assuming this is a 100% tear down, and you're not just throwing in new dry rock.

1) -- Get that dry rock in a brute trashcan and get it cycled / cured
2) -- Wipe it down 100% dry, a bleach solution or a vinegar solution is fine (research for acrylics to make doubly sure)
3) -- Let it all dry out a bit so any algae that somehow survives is 100% dried up and dead
4) -- Enjoy your restart! :)
- ...what is the best way to kill all the leftover undesirables (bubble algae spores, aiptasia, etc.) I have heard stories about bleach, vinegar, and other chemicals but wanted to hear other's experiences. My tank is acrylic - not sure if that factors into the equation.

I'm going through the same thing on a smaller scale. I've removed everything and bleached and acid bathed the rock I wish to reuse. I've also bleached and acid bathed some new dry Fiji rock I purchased from BRS. Everything else has also been bleached, acid bathed, rinsed, and allowed to dry.

I'm still "curing" all the rock for a few weeks before putting it in the tank. I'm hoping the bleach/acid process speeds up the process.

I'm not sure how bleach or vinegar might effect the acrylic tank.