If you know large tanks--please read--240 gallon

now another question and more to contemplate...........
should i go with the 240 which is 8 x 2 x 2 for $1300. and needs lighting and protein skimmer
210 gallon 6 x 2 wide x 30" tall and includes everything, for 2300.??
i'm so confused!!
Reef tanks never correlate with cheap or inexpensive at any point for any size.

I had a 120 setup (wiped out during February Ice storm) and I had close to $8K in that tank with tank, equipment, salt, and LR.

Now I am setting up a 225. Luckily I am able to use the existing equipment I had for the 120 on my 225 since most of it was rated for 250gal. Just need a new system pump ($400) another 250w DE ballast and fixture ($300), LR (aprox 100lbs @$8/lb = $800), and some PVC tubing, fittings ($100)…see cheap!

Oh Gawd…save me from my temptation! Maybe I need rehab!
I just picked up a 240 yesterday and will turn it into a reef tank over the summer. From what I've been able to determine, a 55 would be really probably be the absolute minimum size I could get away with. I'm planning on a Sequence Dart for the return pump. With a 2" drain it looks like I need at least 38 gallons capacity to handle the flow and 17.5 gallons for overflow if power goes down. So If you put 40-45 gallons of water to be safe, the tank level is going to be very high if power goes down. It should handle it but not with much room to spare. Probably why douglaslindsey recommended a custom made sump.

Think I'll tag along on your thread if you don't mind since we are both setting up the same size tank. Good Luck. :)
:D :D :D We got our 240 this past weekend! :D :D :D
Glass 8 x 2 x 2 with dual overflows w/2 1" holes in each.
my husband is thinking of running two sequence darts (3600 gph) and would like to go with 16 ho t5's.
I am still thinking of going with a 55 sump/refuge.
any ideas?
I would recommend that you check out both the head loss and drain pipe calculators on the RC home page. If you're going to use one for a closed loop system and the other as a return pump you may be ok. I'd be careful though. My tank has a 3" hole for a 2" bulkhead and standpipe and it should handle one dart. A second dart and my drain couldn't catch up.

Let me know what you finally do and how the 55 gallon sump works. Again good luck!
My personal choice will probably be a beckett type. Probably something like a PM bullit 3. If you're considering an ASM-G4 you may also want to look at the Octopus NW200 recirc. I've got a regular NW125 on my 110 gallon and it works well but that is with a light to moderate biolaod.

I've seen how a good beckett style worked on a friends 180 gallon and that was enough to sell me. Everyone you talk to will tell you (and they are right) buy the absolute best skimmer you can afford. It's probably the most important part of a reef system.