Iis this a bad idea? opinions please


New member
Is collecting amphipods from the Bay a bad idea? i keep a boat in the water, and the last time i scraped the bottom for barnacles i got out and my wet suit was completely covered with em. There had to have been thousands!!! is there any concern for them infecting my tank with anything? or is there a kind of way to quarantine them? Or is it just a terrible idea? Thanks
I'm sure you could quarantine them but how could you be sure everything (parasites,disease, man-made toxins) were actually clear? Might be cool to start a small tank and see how they do.
PaulB does it.. his tank is very, very, very healthy and old! :)

if i had access to a source i would definitely!
I have many times. They breed and the small ones feed my mandarin.

Awesome, thats the exact reason i was wondering about this. i just picked up a mandarin, and he goes crazy for the ones already in my tank.

Thanks for the input everyone, i think i have gotten enough positive feed back to give it a try. First ill try a small amount and let everyone know how it goes.