I'm BACK!!! A newb with a 300DD


New member
Hello folks. It's been a long time since my last post. It's been a very busy and hectic ride for me in my work/school life and with my hobby. I came to the realization that my current setup is too difficult to maintain regular husbandry like I need to. So, I have been developing a new plan for my 220. First, I now understand that I will be holding off on my dream of a SPS tank until I am out of school and my kids are a little older so I have more time. So my tank(s) will be mostly softies for now.

I have a space in my basement that is 50' away from where I want to move my 220 tank that has been running for about 2-3 years. A month or two ago I bought a huge (not Nanook huge) stock tank to use as a reservoir to transfer my livestock while I move the tank. Before I move the tank, I will build a stand to make it lower and easier to clean. The top of the glass is currently at the level of my chin and that makes cleaning a little difficult to do without a ladder. However, the height is not as big of an obstacle as the current canopy and light fixture situation. My 6' fixture is setting on top/inside of the canopy. This arrangement makes it impossible to open the lid of the canopy without taking the fixture completely down. For these two reasons, and life demands, I began to neglect the tank more and more.

Now, to the 300DD I mentioned in the title. I came across a great deal on a 300DD with stand, sump, rock, skimmer, lights, and a dart hybrid return pump. So now all my plans for my 220 are scrapped and I have no need for the Rubbermaid stock tank. Much to my surprise, my wife suggested keeping both tanks and then wheels started turning. Now, I am considering keeping both tanks and sharing one sump.

The location of the 300DD is not the same as I wanted to put the 220. I use the 300 to split the large area in my basement similar to the way that you would with a peninsula. Unfortunately, this now makes the plumbing around 100 linear feet to get to the area that I use as a mixing station. I don't want to run all the necessary plumbing 100' along the wall line.

So here is my current idea. I want to make something like a bench that will cover the back portion if the stand. The "œbench" will house the equipment and sump as well as have a removable top or a hinged top to make all the maintenance a lot easier because I will be able to do it standing instead of crawling and reaching under the tank. If I do this, I can run the plumbing from the 220 into the same sump, if we decide to keep it. My concern is maintaining a steady and quiet flow. I think I can achieve this with valving, but I am documenting and asking this here because while I think I have the ambition and desire, I lack the experience and reefing knowledge that many of you possess. Please tell me if I am being too (fill in the blank here), I can take it.

Now time for my questions:
1) Can I drill in the center of my 300DD to make the Overflow and returns in the center of the tank? I know the glass is not tempered.
2) If I cannot drill in the center and I must make it a peninsula style, what size pipes should I use for a bean animal?
3) If I can drill the center, will two 2" drains and two 1" returns provide the turnover rate for SPS (planning for the future)?
4) Should I leave the current overflow setup? It has one 1 ½" with a 1" bulkhead and one 1" return in each corner. Which I believe only gives 4 times turnover. I have read different theories if this will be enough for a successful tank.
5) Should I use one header to supply to returns to both tanks?
I don't have a lot of advice on the drilling. I drilled one tank successfully and cracked a couple small tanks so personally I wouldn't care to try and drill a 300 gallon. If I mess that up that's no good.

But I would maybe suggest checking out one of BRS's youtube videos on flow. I don't think you need to worry about a lot of turnover through the sump. With powerheads you can move plenty of water inside the display and you just need enough going through your sump for your skimmer and/or fuge to work. Think they kinda figured 3x would work.
Welcome back! Lots of smart folks around that have experience in designing awesome setups.
Lol. Still planning. I am not sure if I want to keep both tanks or just the 300. Not sure if I can drill the bottom glass for a center island overflow or would it be better to drill the side. I don't want to set this one up and be unhappy with it in one year.

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Nook has a dual overflow for sale. Not sure it that would work or not for that size tank.

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I am thinking about a 16" shadow overflow box. It claims to allow up to 2500gph turnover. Thoughts? What are you selling?

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I'm one to not ask about drilling tanks cause I break them, however my son when he was five had no issues drilling tanks. Just my opinion is to not drill

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I need to go to a few LFS and discuss drilling options. I think I really want to do a center island overflow, but if I can't do that, I will probably go with the ghost overflow. They don't take up much room and are less noticeable. I need someone with experience to tell me if I can drill the center of my bottom glass without issue. I am not concerned about the drilling process, but I am concerned with the structural integrity.

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Well get on it already. I'll be glad to come over and watch with beer in hand lol

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