I'm thinking of a 220 or 240 in wall...


New member
I currently have a 112 gallon on my first floor with a 40b sump in my basement below. All has been progressing nicely, but almost 2 years into my new saltwater hobby I wish I had gone bigger to begin with. So, my plan late this summer is to start the build for an unfinished section at the bottom of my basement steps (on concrete) for a 72" display. I'll be building a wall in front of it as my stair landing is large enough to accommodate capturing 3 feet of depth on the opposite wall.

I'm thinking something like a 72" x 30" x 25" high glass tank. I also want to put it up high enough so that I can easily get a 100 gallon tank below for a sump. Because the weight with both tanks, rock, sand, etc is going to get close to 2 tons I'm wondering if a stand made out of 4x4 verticals and 2x6 horizontals is going to be strong enough. I won't be able to access the tank from the back with my plan so anticipate having doors up above which will give me a lot of access into my display and a good foot of space vertically between my sump and display.

I'm setting the tanks between an area which is 8 feet wide. Because the foundation wall is cinder block and only painted now, I also anticipate adding styrofoam insulation on top of the cinder as a barrier between the wall and back of the tanks.

I'm looking for any recommendations on this build. At first, I'll be using my 60", 6 bulb ATI Powermodule for lighting and would like to eventually move towards led lights. I'll be closing off the ceiling above which are currently unfinished rafters, too, to make sure nothing will be falling into the tank in time.

Once I have my display cycled, I'll transfer my fish and corals from my 112, but will be starting with new live rock and sand.
