In tank "Fuge"


Life and Reef Saver
Okay i was thinking about doing this in my tank to act as a "supplemental fuge". Taking eggcrate and making a box with the dementions 48" long X 3" wide X 3" tall. I plan on taking this and filling it with LR/Base Rock Rubble and possible some type of macro. This getup will be place out of sight in the back of the tank behind my aquascape. My thoughts are that the eggcrate will keep my soon to have manderin out for pods to be safe yet allow the macro to grow through to help supplement my Tang that I plan on having also. What does everyone think?
Too funny, I just did exactly that in a tank I service. Mine is full height of the (90 gal) tank by 15" wide by 4" deep. I centered it on the back wall and piled lr in front of it. Then I put the heater and p-heads inside so the tank looks very clean. I loaded it with caulerpa and figure the white eggcrate will be covered with corraline soon enough. I have done this before with a seahorse tank. The macro grows through and you can stick colt, xenia and other corals to it. I got the idea from a "living wall" at a friends house. Great minds think alike I guess :D
Wow that is the same thing the wife had me do about 1 mo. ago for our 55 gal. LOL how cool .. I used pull ties to secure it together.. I also made 2 others triangular for our quarentine.. I thought the pic would give an idea on how we went about it .. They are loaded down with sea grape ...been in a month and is already protruding out of the holes of the egg grate...