In-wall Tank - Stand height recommendation


I'm setting up a 215 gallon in-wall tank that is 29 inches tall. It will have a 4 inch DSB. What height would you guys recommend building the stand?


My stand is 48" tall on my 500 in wall setup. The ceiling height in my basement is 9' so it turned out to be a good height. I couldnt Imagine it being any lower ,would probably look funny.
Mine is also I think 48". But the question is whether you plan to have a couch in front of it, what equipment you want under it, etc. Before bulding my new inwall dual sided tank, I used blue painters tape to tape the regtangle opening on the wall and left it like that for a week or two to see how I liked the eye level from around the room. Once I was sure of the height, I set the height for the stand. Also, since my tank is dual sided, on the living room side I plan to have a couch on the wall in front of it, so I needed to make sure the bottom of the tank would be enough above the top of most standard height couches. I had less concern about inside stand space as only plumbing is under the cabinet -- all equipment is plumbed out the side wall and on the side of my house. If you are trying to fit a skimmer, than take into consideration what model you plan to use.