Indian Threadfins


New member


Anyone keep Trevally's?
Very Cool Fish imo
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well i work at an lfs and we just got 3 in 1 big 2 small one guy bought the small one he says it the boss of his reef and hasnt had any problems but the have been known to be very hard to keep and as of the 2 small one died on arrival but the other looks good
the real name for this fish is threadfin pompano (alectis Speciosus). I have caught several of these as well as moonfish and lookdown's. They are one of the harder to keep fish in the jack family. Here is a pic of one of them i caught this past summer.

Threadfin pompano (alectis speciosus)

baby lookdown's
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6961472#post6961472 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by acrocrazy
ive had moonfish but no success with these guys

There acualy easer to get to eat then the lookdown's but your tank prem's have to be perfect.
whats it like diving for them...
is it at night?
thats way cool.

ive caught opaleye, blennys; kelpfish & other misc. stuff locally but you do need a specific tank for our local stuff in socal.
ive always wanted a baby mako.. :D

im an avid fisher/catcher as well
hey if you can ship we can alway's do a trade with lookdown's if you catch anything that we could use over here. I know baby lookdown's are value of gold over there in cali. That is where i send 80% the the jack's. ;)
the babys are very cool indeed
and those are atlantic
let me know
im literally 2 minutes from lax and all the vendors over here
hey bro here is a pic of the lookdown's i caught last year in about 2 hours


PS. check your pm's im going on a trip on sunday to a up scale fish store if you want to come.