infection from tank?


New member
Just got my 55 moved into my new 125. Of course I've been fiddling around with the aquascaping and a small scratch on my thumb became infected. I have had my hands in my tank for 4 years and never had this happen before. I went to see the nurse at work and she gave me a tetanus shot and a scrip for antibiotics. The pain from it is worse than it looks. Even had to take some pain killers so I could sleep. Had to stay home from work today as I couldnt pick anything up. Anyway, the pain seems to be getting better so I guess I'll live. Has anybody else had this happen and how long did it take for it to go away?
were you moving any zoa's? they have toxins that can get you if you have any way for it to get in your a scratch on your skin...
Infected scratches from my tank is something i've noticed recently also. I just assumed it's because I had a previous wound when I started messing with my stuff. Anyhow, I have never had to see a doctor or take pain pills, but if I don't see to the cuts within a day they will become infected and begin to get pretty painful. What you should do is treat any cut with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). I let it bubble for a few moments (until most of the vigerous bubbling is over) and wipe it off.
Our bodies produce catalase as a means to protect ourselves from H2O2, so thats why it bubbles like crazy when you put hydrogen peroxide on a cut. The H2O2 oxadizes ("burns") things it comes into contact with that cant break it down, like most bacteria. When you put the H2O2 on the cut a majority of it is broken down into water and oxygen, physically removing most of the infection, while the rest of it burns the bacteria remaining, killing it. So, long story short, bubble any cuts or abrasions with H2O2 and you'll save yourself a trip to the doctor.
FYI. H2O2 is used by some of your white blood cells to open a can of chemical "whoop tail" on invaders of your body all the time.

Here and I always thought that a small cut was actually "healed" better in salt water.... Silly friggin' me!
You can get some nasty stuff from your tank. I keep an article handy about mycobacterium marinum.You can check this out in Fish Disease You Could Catch by Steven Pro in Reefkeeping Magazine July 2003. I keep it handy in case I get something funky and will show this to the MD. There are also some gross pictures out there of people who has gotten infected and had to have massive removal of necrotic tissue. However, I still put my hands in my tank with open areas all over my cuticles. Thankfully, I have never had any problem.
Mycobacterium is nothing to play around with. One of the reasons it's so bad is it produces catalase, protecting it from being oxidized by H2O2.
oh yes

oh yes

I have had an overnight stay in the hospital, getting intravenous antibiotics for a nice little scratch from my live rock and on a separate occasion thought i had washed my hands well after moving some zoanthids in my tank. I inadvertently rubbed my eye and within and hour my eye was blood red and kind of hanging out of the socket. Very attractive.