Installed my Touch!


Premium Member
It's pretty much at eye level and feels just like walking up to my home's thermostat.
The location is great because I walk by it all the time since that's our mud room coming in from the garage right there to the left. :)




More install pics in my build thread...
That looks GREAT Dennis :) Thank you for the update.

As Rodney said you did take it to a whole new level. :)
Just a tiny update...

It's so nice to be able to walk by the tank and see basic paramaters with just a glance. And no longer having to walk into the equipment room to put the tank into feed mode is awesome. Lazy, but awesome. :D
Then when out in the equipment room I also have full control with the actual Profilux unit.

And the install has worked out great. Perfect height and rock solid.
I love it when a plan comes together. :bum:
Dennis thanks for the update. Your install is perfect and when I build my next system I may have to "contract with you" to come design it for me :)

I think the TOUCH is one item that "once you use it you'll wonder how and WHY you ever lived without it".
What a CLEAN install. I'm sure I'm not the only one making a mental note of it. Want. GHL should owe you royalties for sales you've inspired. :D
Thanks for the comments!
Glad you like and happy to inspire. :)
I've gotten so many good ideas on the forums, it's nice to give back once in a while.