Instant cycle


New member
I am currently cycling a 20G quarantine tank with a sponge filter. Can I add a bag of bio balls to the tank and when it is done cycling place them in my newly set up 75G tank for an instant or faster cycle? I have not added meds to the qt. It is only RODI.
Buy s9me fritszyme 9 on amazon. I used a gallon of it to instant cy le my 55g and 30g tanks.. it actually worked too.. took about 3 days and i noticed no ammonia and saw nitrates... put fish and coral in and didnt have a single problem.

Used the ssme stuff when i had an ammonia spike one day when put new sand in over my old sand.. big mistake and it knocked the ammonia down
Adding filter material from a cycled tank to a new one is a very common practice and works well. You just need to be sure you trust the source tank is disease etc free.

I always cycle my QT with a mix of LR, coral skeletons and filter material (e.g. poly filter) from the sump of my DT when I fire it up. You don't need much, just a little to kick start the bacterial population. The reverse will work just as well as long as your QT is clean.

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