Gladly Marcus! THANKS very much for doing this.
As a Director of Purchasing & Contract Management, it was really galling me to pay retail prices for salt! $62. /pail really got my attention recently, especially when I change water out so frequently. So thanks! I’d rather have some extra disposable cash to buy frags and other specimens from our LFS, not blow it on essentials. ($3. a gallon gas gets my goat too, but I’m not even going there.)
Speaking of our LFS’s:
A Big Thank You to Dave @ Kermit’s for helping lower our operating expenses. (And I’m sure Richard @ MemFish too for bidding.) I have no problem awarding sales to a business who strives to do right by their customers, so Thank You Gents! (Dave, I’ll be by this weekend to drop off a check. Thanks for working with us!)
WTMRAC: Let's continue to communicate, pool our usage, plan and buy long on those items that we know we'll need!