Insurance on big tanks?


Red Dragons!
Just wondering if anybody out there has insurance on their big tank? I called Allstate as they carry my homeowners insurance and they said they would not cover the tank or any damage that it caused if it broke as they don't cover any type of breakage on anything. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction so I can protect my investment. Thanks
I've heard that most insurance MIGHT cover the equipment but not the livestock. Aside form that I don't think most insurance will cover tanks, and if they do they'll prob charge a lot of money.
As much of an anal probing as they did with me to make sure the gas line has the auto-shutoff in case of an earthquake, and how large the floor joists were, and how they were nailed in.... don't think I'd want an insurance company inspecting my tank!
Call State Farm - i called and told them I wanted to put a huge tank on the 6th floor of a highrise. They said their $20-30/month homeowners insurance covers any property damage (to your stuff and other folks) caused by a flood. It doesn't cover the cost of the tank and livestock, but that cost is small compared to the 6-figure damage a flood can cause in a highrise.