Interceptor Dosing Question

Andy O

New member
I know that everything I have read uses the 51 to 100lb size tablet but I have the 26 to 50lb size. They say that the bigger size treats 380 gallons so is it safe to assume the smaller tablet treats 180?

Also, how much of that smaller size pill should I dose for a 90 gallon plus 39 gallon sump. I would assume that after water displacement from LR and sand bed you might be looking at 90 gallons total water volume (if anyone else has better guess please chime in).

I have had lots of good luck with interceptor. do not fear overdosing. I have treated my tank on 3 seperate redbug outbreaks. It seams in trading that you will get them about once a year if you are not careful. But anyways I used an entire tablet on my 125 last time and was scared to death after the three treatments were over I realized there is no fear.I am not saying to overdose but accidents happen.,and in my case it was all good.