Interest in a new idea ...tank tour


New member
So I have been thinking about the club and its members ,I have come to realize that I have not seen many of our members tanks..or even know what they have ...since the cold weather will be here soon enough and everyone will be bored threw out the winter .maybe we can set up some kind of tank tour up.I'm thinking here's how it works .all members who plan on attending the tank tour must sign up ...say for starters 5 members volunteer to graciously open there house one sat or have a group of say 5 or ten (depending how many sign up )come by for an hour, to spend some time looking at that members tank, filter system,talk about maintenance ,,then when times up that group goes to the next house ,now the group that was at the first house moves to the next house ..
I would welcome a tour as long if it's December or later. I have a lot of things to set up on my tank still. I could only do it on a Sunday too (Saturday is out.)