Inverts keeping Dying???


New member
My friend bought a used tank a few months back and was planing on doing a FOWLR. It has been up and running for about 6 months has a few fish in it and everything is testing great. He added 15 peppermint shrimp to the tank about 2 months ago and within 2 weeks all where dead. So we figured last weekend we would try again. Within 15 min all where dead again. So we test for copper and the reading was 0. At first we thought it was just the shrimp but crabs and snails have also only lasted a few days. All inverts are drip accu. for 45 min. All reading are still good but the inverts keep dying. Does anybody have any ideas? The strangest things is there are tons of pods, which I would think wouldn't survive if the shrimp and crabs can't.
I know you say all readings are good, but it is still a wise idea to post what those readings are. Sometimes someone might make a connection you are missing ;)

The readings for salinity, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and alkalinityh are of the most interest.
Here are the readings:
Temp 79
Salinity 1.023
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
PH 8.2
Alk 3 maq/1

Let me know if you need anything else
What type of fish are in the tank? Any other inhabitants that might be going on killing sprees?
I agree it's strange that you're losing all the inverts but pods are fine, you might want to try running a product like Cuprasorb just in case - I'm just thinking out loud here.
Alk is low which could cause some wild pH swings from day to night cycle. Have you tested your pH at different times of the day/night to see if its stable? That would be were i would start?

Kinda in line with what ACblinky said... are these inverts dying? or is it possible that something is killing them? Are they completely intact when you find them dead or are their just pieces lying around?

Im battling with a mantis shrimp right now that i havent been able to catch yet (but i think im going to freshwater dip his projected hideout today) who has killed 2 different types of damsel, countless snails, and 2 redlegged hermits. The only way i have been able to track him down is by finding piles of red leggs that he left uneaten.
Thanks guys. I will have him check teh PH through the day. The only fish in there are 3 yellow tangs and a Sohal. He was actually getting ready to move so he didn't want to add a lot of fish. The second set of peppermints died within 15 min and all where whole and intact. I am going to have him try so filter pads and see if that helps. Any other thoughts or ideas are welcome because I am stuck.


bring up your drip acclimation time from 45 minutes...that is way too quick for inverts. take a minimum of an hour and a half with a SLOW drip to acclimate them. also keep the lights off for the first few hours they are in the tank to reduce stress.
i agree with the other members...try tracking your ph through out the day to see if there are major swings.