

New member
When fragging anemones I read that you should treat with iodine. Do they use the iodine tincture from general stores or specific iodine?
I'm not sure if you're supposed to dip anemones in iodine at all even though I may be wrong, but either way dipping after fragging can stress them. Iodine isn't a prophylactic to prevent illness, it's a treatment for illness.
I wouldn't imagine so, especially if you're taking about fragging that new maxi mini you got since you can just cut those in half and toss them back in the tank.

I'd recommend asking in the anemones section, lots of knowledgeable people on there.
I have cut many anemones and to answer your question if the anemone is healthy and the tank they are coming from has good water quality (these two things go hand in hand) then there is very little issue of the anemone developing an infection. As an aside the parent anemone should never be cut unless the above two statements are true. I would imagine Dipping in Iodine would just stress them out.