iPhone APP released


New member
This is awesome news.


Thanks to the great work of Gary in the UK, the profiLux IPhone App is set for release in the APP store this Friday

Please click here for all info and pictures

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This app is enough to push me off the proverbial fence into the ProfiLux camp. I stumbled upon ProfiLux after deciding to purchase the AquaIllumations LED's. Soon there after I discovered there a a LOT of things you can control and monitor with the ProfiLux controllers.

When I travel for work this would be a very nice tool to have to help me "keep an eye on the tank." :beer:
OMG, I am sooo glad I decided to get the Profilux. Now I have yet another awesome use for my phone!

Thanks Gary, who ever you are!
Michael, do you know if this will work with out PII controllers, or am I going to be sending in my PII for the P3 upgrade even sooner than I thought ??? :beer:

As far as i am aware no it will not as it utilises the onboard server, but before you go spending money on my info :) Please ask on the other forum for a definitive answer. ;)

As far as i am aware no it will not as it utilises the onboard server, but before you go spending money on my info :) Please ask on the other forum for a definitive answer. ;)

No definitive answer really needed.... Just will have to get the P3 upgrade sooner rather than later. :beer:
Has anyone found the app yet. I have searched a couple of times, but I have not found it to date. I assume it has been submitted but not approved. Any word?

when i looked on the other forum he said he was submitting it for approval last friday, not releasing it. so it should hopefully only be a matter of a couple more weeks
I got mine last night and it looks nice. I do need to figure out how to change the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit.