Ireally don't have a clue, the search has not helped one bit.


New member
Open to guesses.
Dont try to give acros a species name, their color and structure is highly dependent on environment, and most people who say they know are either guessing or foolish.
A name only helps me understand the best environment to put this thing in. I have extremely bright places in thank as well as dim, high flow and calm. I guess we start at the bottom and work up.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10461361#post10461361 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chromafi
Dont try to give acros a species name, their color and structure is highly dependent on environment, and most people who say they know are either guessing or foolish.

When it forms a colony it will give other clues to its identity and some people may have some good guesses. Unless you saw the parent colony and know what it was fragged from, id's, even pretty good ones, are still guesses. Once it grows its own colony, the shape and branching will give real clues.bbbbbbbb
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10461361#post10461361 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chromafi
Dont try to give acros a species name, their color and structure is highly dependent on environment, and most people who say they know are either guessing or foolish.

Thats funny, I think he's a comedian.
Samoensis, humilis, gemmifera are all good guesses. Mine is A. gemmifera: pages/30.htm

Regardless, that badboy can take all the light and (laminar)flow you can muster.
See them now and again with people growing them, but the growth usually ends up looking different. Dont know if there hard to keep either or just not too many people talk about em?
Or am I just not droppin in on the right circles? ;)
Beautifull acro nontheless :)
