Irreponsible Shark Threads On This Site

Pilot Fish

New member
I have been in this hobby for 17yrs now and I have seen a lot of changes for the better in how and what animals can be properly and ethically housed in an home aquarium.

BUT, on a routine basis I see threads on Reef Central where members are attempting to house everything from reef sharks, zebra sharks, bull sharks, even hammerhead sharks in shark ponds and aquariums in thier houses. With an exception of an elite few hobbyists who have extraordinarly large systems and the $$$$$ to maintain them even discussing housing these animals is out of the question. This not an issue of free speech were the members of this site can ramble on about keeping whale sharks and mermaids in thier basement ponds, its about doing the right thing and understanding that as mature adults there are a very limited amount of sharks and rays that are ethically and realistically appropriate for home display. I personally feel that advocating these types of threads cheapens this site and will deter members from using it to share legit info and experiences among its seroius hobbyists.

Pilot Fish,

By way of background - I never advocate to keep ANY shark in typical home aquariums (up to 180 gallons) except epaulletes. I also will not suggest that anyone keep temperate species of sharks and rays without chillers. That said, to me, this problem you mention is often a self-limiting issue, most of the people talking about sharks are doing just that - talking. Its fun to dream, and many of these people are youngsters (or are just trolling for heated responses) When it is time to pull out the wallet, most of these people just go back to dreaming. I think enough people post realistic replies (like I just did on a thread about smoothhound sharks) that these people get adequate information to make informed choices (although I will say that there is a lot of "chaff" that needs to be waded through with some of these replies - my pet peeve is people responding to a thread about an animal they have NEVER KEPT!). So: wouldn't giving out good information be better than limiting these sorts of posts?
To me, there sems to be more than enough "fish police" around here - try posting a question about keeping a tang in a 30 gallon tank and see what happens<grin>.

Jay Hemdal
I am all for good info, infact thats what I come to this site for. I do agree with you that there are many posts that are placed by youngsters looking for a BS debate, allthough I have seen many of hobbyists push way beyond their skill/ability and resources to cram these animals into their basement. AND every time I log on t looking for good info all I come across are these posts that have regurgutated feedback that appear as though it has been copied from a book.
I am not attempting to squash any learning form the sharing of
shark info or any info on this site. It just needs to be far more responsible.
I agree with both of you, it kinda seems to me that you are both on the same side but arguing against each other. I'm a "youngster", but I'm also fairly educated and I know what is right and wrong. But I also think it would be cool to have a shark pond... but I wouldn't do it so i could say I have a shark pond, I would do it for conservational reasons, such as breeding the smaller sharks, not to house 4 great whites , a whale, and a great hammerhead...

and don't get me started on keeping big fish in small tanks...
seriously all these animals belong to the sea. nothing, not even the so called Tank of the Month awardees come close to how beautiful the reefs really are.

but we should try to be responsible in keeping them. and sharks(or even rays) in tanks is not a good idea (very arrogant and prideful for that fish keeper to do so)
Knowledge isn't the problem, it's how you use it.

Anything we can learn will help us to be better at what we're interested in is a bonus.
At the same time, we should also be responsible enough to also apply common sense to the equation.