Made the mistake of putting a wild caught neon goby in the tank a while back and ended up with an ich outbreak. Tried treating with garlic and was fighting the good fight for a while, then fish started dying off. I don't have a quarantine tank any more so that wouldn't have been an option, but I have since heard that I could have done a freshwater dip on the neon before placing him in my main tank. Well, I lost my beautiful little mimic tang, my green spot mandarin (some say they can't get ich, but he looked like he had some variation of it...there were some sort of "spots" on him), and my Christmas goby.
Well, I have lost fish in the past and really wanted to get a grip on this situation, so was advised that a UV sterilizer might help me out. The tank is 20g and I have the hang on Eco System, so I don't have many places to put one, but someone mentioned the Submariner. It's an all-in-one unit with bulb, pump, filter pads, etc. and is well contained in a small size. Got it the other day and found it wouldn't fit in the last chamber of the Eco System as I wanted it to, but I did have space since I last moved my rocks around in the back left corner. It runs great and I'm loving the little added flow it gives...and in a different direction from my powerhead. Got it running on high for a while at first then I can turn it down. It's only a 5w model, so not sure if I can "over do it" at all.
So, this time the lesson learned is that I can't just dump the new fish into my tank if I am even suspicous at all of them carrying something. Can all fish be freshwater dipped though? And is this a viable method for taking care of the bulk of infections a new fish can bring? Also, can someone clarify the steps of this dip? Want to do it right when I do have to...think I'm gonna run the UV for a month though, just to be safe!
I'm coming out of my self punishment now and would like to consider it a lesson learned...any input would be appreciated! Thanx in advance!
Well, I have lost fish in the past and really wanted to get a grip on this situation, so was advised that a UV sterilizer might help me out. The tank is 20g and I have the hang on Eco System, so I don't have many places to put one, but someone mentioned the Submariner. It's an all-in-one unit with bulb, pump, filter pads, etc. and is well contained in a small size. Got it the other day and found it wouldn't fit in the last chamber of the Eco System as I wanted it to, but I did have space since I last moved my rocks around in the back left corner. It runs great and I'm loving the little added flow it gives...and in a different direction from my powerhead. Got it running on high for a while at first then I can turn it down. It's only a 5w model, so not sure if I can "over do it" at all.
So, this time the lesson learned is that I can't just dump the new fish into my tank if I am even suspicous at all of them carrying something. Can all fish be freshwater dipped though? And is this a viable method for taking care of the bulk of infections a new fish can bring? Also, can someone clarify the steps of this dip? Want to do it right when I do have to...think I'm gonna run the UV for a month though, just to be safe!
I'm coming out of my self punishment now and would like to consider it a lesson learned...any input would be appreciated! Thanx in advance!