Is calcium a killer ?


Active member
As some of you know, I’ve overdosed calcium to the tune of 800ppm
I’ve checked this against lfs test kit and the results are 100 apart

My question is , after a 33% wc tomorrow it’ll be around 670ppm

Would you add corals with this value? I’m looking at achieving a monti heavy aquarium and wonder if they would adapt to the high calcium and use it up or they’d die instantaneously ?

I don’t really want to do another 4 big water changes to get it to nsw values

I’m thinking I’ll try a frag for a couple of weeks and see how it gets on before I shell out for a box full

What’s your thoughts please
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Well it that survives I can keep anything I guess , currently it’s in line with a wave maker so it’s being blasted and I don’t think polyps will extend , I think I’ll move it to a less breezy place
Here goes

Mag 1380
Po4 0.15
No3 25
Kh 9.3
Calcium 650
Salinity 1.026
Careful on the massive WC’s that is a killer.

IMO, bring your MG high, 2,000 is fine.

Keep an eye on your ALK, you likely will need to add. Just keep it at 7 or higher

Do everything slowly and in moderation. Trying to fix this quickly is likely to be more detrimental than riding it out.

Just got back from a week vacation and tested water params

Salinity 1.020 !! Wtf?
No3 40
Po4 0.25
Calcium 500 weird was 650a week ago
Mag 1155 also down from 1380
Kh 9.3
Salinity 1.020 !! Wtf?
You have a sump correct? Is the water level in the sump where it should be or high? If high, and you have an ATO, this *could* explain a drop in salinity. Alternatively, if not high, but you have a slow leak somewhere it could also explain the drop in salinity.

Additionally, I don't recall how you're testing salinity. How are you testing it?
Yes I have a sump and a top up chamber attached , the ssump level is spot on and even an inch or too high wouldnt justify 0.006 drop
I’ve tested a new batch of saltwater and it came out at 1.025 as expected
Refractometer calibrated with rodi
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That's bizarre then. Only thing I can think of is the small leak somewhere allow saltwater to escape and your ATO replacing it with RODI. But, you'd think you'd notice a leak.
Calibrated with rodi, checked with lfs and got same , 3kg of salt in 30ltr container came out 1.025
Can’t check anymore , it’s definitely 1.022
I think cos I’ve been emptying my skimmer a lot due to carbon dosing it’s slowly reduced salt
Calibrated with rodi, checked with lfs and got same , 3kg of salt in 30ltr container came out 1.025
Can’t check anymore , it’s definitely 1.022
I think cos I’ve been emptying my skimmer a lot due to carbon dosing it’s slowly reduced salt
Possible. I forgot you were carbon dosing.