Is it enough???


New member
Hi frends, I`m writting from Mexico city, and I`d like to ask you about lighting, so do you think that 2 -150w -14000 k hqi bulbs can help me to maintain sps corals in a good condition?, my parameters are:

NH4 0ppm
NO2 0ppm
NO3 5ppm (it`s the minimum color on the test scale)
PO4 0ppm
Ca 400ppm
Mg 1450ppm
Kh 10dkh
Ph 8.2
Sg 1.026
Temp. 76 F

This is a 60 gal tank now with a Xenia and a blue tang, only, so ¿Dou you think that an SPS coral will thrive with this conditions? I mean not only survive but grow and keep its bright colours, thanks guys....:)
Hey guys thanks for your help!, mi tank is about 15 inch deep(50 centimeters), I`m always watching that water clarity be as much as possible, following one advice of this forum, so light goes through the water column to the deepest parts of the tank obviously not with the same intensity but with the enough I think, so I know that intensity the bigger the better but in my case with 150 w of hqi, do I have the minimum to keep SPS corals or not?, thanks again guys...
15 inch tank ....150s are enough...there are some MH's that are 175 but i wouldnt do 250's on your tank....get some 150's or 175's and go to town
I just upgraded from 150's to 250's and had/have 14ks on both. 150's will keep SPS, but the slower growing stuff will come to a halt and coloration will be difficult except at the top. You may want to concentrate your SPS at the top and go with LPS on the bottom if you have a mixed tank.

In the three weeks since I upgraded I have noticed the growth rates just about double due to the increase in PAR.

You can keep the SPS, but what I am trying to say is that growth rates are at a snails pace, and superb coloration is difficult to achieve.
I have an 18" deep tank and run 2x250 MH. I wouldn't go less but that is me. I plan on upgrading in the next few months to T5-MH combo as I have pendants over an open top and feel I am missing something without the supplementation of the T5's. I recommend going with the 250w for your tank.

Watch the xenia, it will take over the tank if you are not careful by keeping it on an island, and even then it can get on the main structure and will grow like a weed.