Is it gonna live


Let me start by saying I have 2 other clams, that are doing great.

I went to the LFS on Sunday and got a killer deal on a 2-3" maxima. The clam looked great when I saw it sitting on the rock. I told him to bag it up and went on looking. I guess he bagged it up with the rock (the clam was not attached to, just sitting on top of) inside the bag. When I got home I took the rock and put it in my refugium till later, and started acclimating the clam. It looked awesome (see 1st pic). After a couple hrs acclimating it, I finally put it in the tank on the sand bed. It opened right up and looked good. This was about the time my lights went out.
Next day I come home from work and noticed the clam started gaping (I think, still reading giant clams). After further investigation of the clam I noticed my nasarius snails were all over one side. I picked up the clam and found out the shell had been broken and they were going in and out of it. My first thought was to patch it, so I did with some putty. The clam immediately opened, and looked fine except for the inhalant side is huge (see attached pic). It has been like this for 2 days, and it responds to the fish swimming above it, and any change of light. I am just wondering if it is going to die, and kill my other 2 clams.

I assume the rock in the bag broke the shell, and I never noticed it. As you can see from the pics, it is in an area where no rocks are. What else could have happened?




