Is it ok to put 2 types of Xenia next to each other?


Premium Member
I just bought some red Xenia and would like to put it right next to the pom pom xenia to make a 'dual color' xenia look. Does one type of xenia sting the other type?
I figured on trying it to find out but if someone knows it won't work I won't bother and cause stress to the corals.
Xenias do not "sting" per say, but just grow over things. Should be OK--Even if you seperate them they will grow and reach each other, unless they are at different ends of the tank.
My pom-pom seemed to be able to poison the branching type. Xenia don't sting, but they do secrete poisonous chemicals for warfare (allelopathy), as far as I can tell.
I have several types of xenia all growing together without a problem at all.They are actually growing at an insane rate and are starting to choke out other corals.But I dont think you will have a problem if you mix types.
No problems that I've experienced. Had four species growing in the same tank. They "move" around to places where they like to be anyways.