Is my poccilapora dying?

if polyps are shedding off like its molting than your coral is dying. If it is turning white from the base up you are experience RTN which stands for Rapid Tissue Nucrosis. Do you have halides and heavy flow on your tank? 10 times turnover min? and is your water quality really good? Most all SPS is much more sensative than other corals. Post a pic and I could tell you more about it.
I got exactly 10x turnover per the specs(i dont know If what the boxes say are real or not) I dont have mh but it was 4" under 260w of pc in the nitrates ar 20ppm, nitrites 0, ph between 8.4 and 8.8, amonia 0.
it should be under the most flow you have possible, not a direct jet slamming it but rather a nice flow across it, all the polyps should be extended and should notice flow gently swaying them every couple of seconds or so.

It could also be your nitrates as SPS corals aren't as forgiving as softies. I'd move it to some more flow and do a water change. your PH is also a little higher than normal, whats your phosphates running that could be browning them as well.
break off the living tissue leaving some living tissue on the dead base. Your experiencing RTN which the only way to save the coral is to frag off the living tissue and you may get lucky and save what little you have left