When I started my tank I got all my lr from someone parting out a 2 + year old tank. My sand is a 20 lb bag of agra alive. And I used nsw to fill it then added "cycle" to help expidite things. My tank has now been runing for a week and nitrites and ammonia have been at 0 for the pass two days and nitrates at about 30. The highest I've tested has been at about .80 ppm of ammonia, 70ish ppm of nitrates and about .5 ppm nitrites. Today was my second day at what to me matches 0 ammonia and definitely 0 nitrites. Does this mean my tank is cycled already? I'm confused since my tank has only been up for a week today. (Btw the tank my rock came from had an anemone so I'd say it had to be in good health and pretty established to house one. And the tank had been up over 2 yrs I was told.
If my cycle is done I was told to do a 100% water change. I've seen around here tho that people don't really do complete water changes once cycled, they do like 30%.
I don't mind waiting for my tank to take its course but I don't want to wait and not even know my tank is cycled and there's nothing to wait for heh.
If my cycle is done I was told to do a 100% water change. I've seen around here tho that people don't really do complete water changes once cycled, they do like 30%.
I don't mind waiting for my tank to take its course but I don't want to wait and not even know my tank is cycled and there's nothing to wait for heh.