Is there a way to level tank with water in it?


New member
I know it might sound like a stupid question but in the mist of setting up my tank I didn't even think of leveling it. As I have tile throughout my home it looks perfectly straight but when I have my tank up and running I notice a lot of water coming out of one over flow and not the other due to a 1/4" difference. From one side to the other.
Lower the water level until there is just barely enough water for the fish to breathe. Then carefully shim the stand in order to level the tank. To attempt this with the tank full runs the risk of blowing out a seam.
So I should be safe taking most of the water out? Well that sounds like a good idea kind of what I was thinking. Now I have to figure out the logistics of taking water out and holding it somewhere why I shim the tank.
Thanks for the info. Matt I will pass by and borrow that barrel. Now I have large garbage cans do you think I can put those construction bags in there and fill with water?
Just did this today, LOL. Noticed the tank was bowing, was out of level. Drained most of the water and shimmed it up.
And just how did you get the 4 x 4 under the tank initially? :hammer:

My question would how did he get the carjack to lift the tank? Where did it lift from? And 4 inches is some way off leveling, LOL.

Originally Posted by Hunter1998
I used a car jack and 4x4 on a 210g full.of water, rock and sand.

This sounds like a plan. I just noticed mines all out of whack too.

You think??
My stand has an open bottom with the exception of where my sump sits. The 4x4 was just used to give me the height to the bottom of the tank which sits on 3/4" plywood. Jack up and shim