is there anyway to kill mushrooms????

Why not cut them off of the rocks and see if one of your local fish stores will take them for credit, or just sell/give them to people here?
Where are you located? You should just give them to someone who could keep them in their tank rather than kill them off. I'd love to get some more shrooms...
I am in the same situation. Never wanted them unfortunately they snuck into my tank with some live rock that I don't have easy access to cut them since they are at the base. I want to inject them but I don't know what to use(ive tried kalk paste, kalk paste mixed with cleated iron, and just stabbing them with no luck and in fact they have multiplied).
I agree, find a way to frag them to propagate elsewhere in the tank. That, or trade it into a LFS for credit; or even better, help out a fellow reefer :)