is this a brain coral/or some other type of stoney coral


New member
hi everyone

i got this little frag as a hitch hiker on a big slab of live rock, i recently took it off the main peice and stuck it to a smaller peice of rock

it has a stoney base with a green part in the middle, the polyps are brown and look like tentcles

one or 2 people think its a manjanno, or some sort of nem, but dont nems and manjannos look like soft corals and dont have immobile stoney bases?????

any ideas what it is?


First off:


It doesn't look like manjano(or however you spell it:) ) or aiptasia to me. Possibly some sort of LPS?

....on second thought it could be manjano but that's something I've only seen a few times so I could be wrong:)
I don't know that it is majano. Is there connective tissue between all sets of arms, ie, is it all one piece? If so, not majano.
not the greatest pics, but almost looks like galaxia, or maybe blastomussa merletti, hard to tell, but it really doesnt look like a pest anenome to me.
buleetu, go over to the lps board and post your picture just for closure. Im pretty sure its a blasto. But just for reference sake to be %100.
thanks guys

tiki dan thanks for the link to the manjanos but they look nothing like what i have, thanks though

wentreefgirl they look very similar to those in ur picture but its really hard to tell isin it

ill post in lps and see what they think thank you