Is this a problem?


Registered Member
Here is one of my stream pumps, as you can see the wires inside the cords are exposed. Could this pump be leaking current into the tank or pose a safety hazard? I've been fighting a bad case of HLLE lately, possibly this is causing it. The pump is a stream 6000 in use for a few years on magnet holders with a multi 7095. My other pump looks fine.

I would not use the pump any longer, but in general it is unlikely it is a source of stray voltage unless the inner insulation is breached on the individual wires. The individual wires are sealed in the motor and the main hazard is that over time water will wick down the cord inside to the driver and power supplies in the cabinet.
The only repair is kit 6100.015 which is an upgrade to a 6105, the cord cannot be repaired and the old 6100.015 motor is no longer made. If you send in your old pump we give a $40 credit for it toward the 6100.015 kit, you would need to send the motor, driver and transformer.
I have couple old pump that look like that and I have no problem. What ever you have going on in you aquarium is related to water condition. But you can alway change the motor like Roger suggested.