Is this a sign of a unhealthy zoa?


New member
I have 2 zoa colonies. One of around 14 polyps and one of 5 polyps. The 14p has short stalks and the top is a small circle. I think i have gotten one to two more polyps then when I first got them. The 5p colony has long stalks but they are very thin. This is what I am worried about, should they be thin and should all zoas have the same legnth stalk. Also, how do zoas reproduce. I just noticed what I think is a new polyp that was not there yesterday, but it seems way too big compared to my other new polyps. So are zoas supposed to have long, short, or bot kinds of stalks and and is a thin stalk bad.
Is one colony in better light than the other? The zoa's may be stretching in an attempt to reach more light.
What is your lighting, placement in tank? You probably don't know where they came from so a pic would be helpful. good luck
I will try to explain as best as I can. The 5 polyp is at the top of my tank and is close to the light, This is the one that has the long stalks. The 14 polyp is in the middle of the tank and short stalks. Its not the long stalk that bothers me, its how thin it is. Imagine if it was an animal that was underfed. This 5 polyp is the photosynthetic kind so it does not need food. Ill try to get pictures.