Is this Aiptasia?


So I found these incredibly tiny things that look a lot like Aiptasia to me. How they got there is a mystery to me. I havent bought anything new for ages.

These 2 are the biggest, which is less then 1mm, had to zoom in x5 so they are tiny.

Next there are these that you almost can't even see with your bare eyes. They are that tiny, they are only really visible on my phone

Only noticed them because I had my face against the tank, taking pics of the other 2.

So what do you think? Kill it with fire?
Yes, aiptasia. Yes, it can take over. Many ways people have dealt with them. My favorite and most successful way is with an aiptasia eating filefish. YMMV

Regular sized picture, can you spot them? 😅

Great, how the F' did they get in here. Haven't spotted any since the day I got this tank. That's kinda bad news, since I was planning to make it fishless for at least 3-4 months. And eventually transfer the corals to my new tank.
So, still something to kill with fire? I don't mind leaving them in for now so we can find out. Although I was planning to put a piece of epoxy over the poor things sooner or later. Until I can get my hands on something that eats aiptasia.
It could be two different things. Second picture I agree look like hydroids - not really a threat. First picture could be aiptasia or hydroids. A way to tell is touch them - if they vanish completely to a blob they're aiptasia, if just the head disappears into a tube but the tube stays, they're hydroids.