is this derasa gapping or just happy???


In Memoriam
i have always thought he was just soaking up the light because he was happy where he was at. he has made no effort to move from this spot and has excelent coloration.

he has grown a little in the past few months i have had him, as his growth ring is very white compaired to the rest of the shell which was all the same color when i got him (aprox 1/4")

thanks in advance

New Growth

New Growth

here is a pic of the growth ring. all the white has been added over the past 6 weeks i have had him in my tank. from day one he has always been massively extended like this where i have another derasa in a different tank who doesnt extend near this far.

this tank is a 29 gal with 220w of PC the other is a 75 with 800w of MH.

New Growth

New Growth

here is a pic of the growth ring. all the white has been added over the past 6 weeks i have had him in my tank. from day one he has always been massively extended like this where i have another derasa in a different tank who doesnt extend near this far.

this tank is a 29 gal with 220w of PC the other is a 75 with 800w of MH.

Re: Hey

Re: Hey

Rezzan1 said:
That clam looks exactly like mine. Where did you get it from?

picked it up a while back at a not so local LFS, noticed when i was in saturday they have another one that looks just like it. they dont have a big turn around on the derasa's but do the maxima's and IMO the derasa's are just as beautiful.

the one i have in the 75 under the 800w MH is a very gold color with blue.

wow..that is an extremely happy clam! nice coloration also..good find..i don't ever see deresas extend their mentals that far out!:eek2:


thanks guys/gals it has always seamed happy to me, but someone said to me that he looked a little bit on the gapeing side to them so i posted the question to see if i was correct in my thinking.
