Reefbreeder, max out at 30 on whites. LED 90 gallon. 30 gallon sump, Vertex 150 skimmer, Running GFO and Carbon. BRS 2part. Neputne APEX to run BRS 2part, 2 Koralia 1500gph on a koralia wave pump and one Koralia 240 GPH near the surface runs constantly.
pH 8.15 (very stable)
Temp 78-80 controlled by APEX
Salinity 1.025
Nitrate 4-12 ppm
P04 0.5ppm
ALK 151 ppm
Ca++ 145-150ppm
Mg 13-1400ppm
Ive tried a few locations, top middle, bottom, med flow. I thought it was a brittle star too, just hoping Id found something to blame my lack of growth on
Of note I have a few mushrooms that are a year old, very healthy but never spread, a healthy chung of Xenia that also has not spread.