Is this Gambierdiscus toxicus?


In Memoriam
Dr. Ron,
I believe Ive identified this dinoflaggelate in my tank as Gambierdiscus toxicus. There are air bubbles trapped in the algae and as you can see in the picture, a number of snails and hermits have died. This algae is mostly on the substrate (1" shallow sand layer) and there is a little bit on my LR. What do you recomend to treat this problem with? Thanks, Ian


Well, you may have a dinoflagellate. Given that you can't identify this organism without microscopic examination of known types coupled with genetic testing, let's just say you have a problem with macroalgae. :D

To treat this problem in your tank....

You have to realize that the algae are NOT the problem, but a symptom of the real problem, which is excess nutrient accumulation, caused by inadequate biological filtration and export.

Remove all the sand. Discard it. Do several major water changes.

Then, either properly set up a deep sand bed or set up some other sort of adequate biological filtration. Set up a program of biomass export.

You can find suggestions and advice on how to do this by searching this forum (see the search button at the top of the page) and using "nutirent" and "accumulation" or "export," as your search keys.

Good luck!

I copied this thread to this forum as I thoguht you might be able to get some additional advice from the algae experts here. Do you test your phosphates and nitrates? Had you ever thought about installing a macroalgae refugium?
