Is this guy splitting


New member
Is this guy splitting, my first Ric so I am not sure.



Tbh, it looks more like somthing irritated the side, mine tend to look like that when somthing has touched it and it doesnt like it, but unless somone sais otherwise thats my opinion on what its doing.
It could easily be bleached, that is how I received it 6 days ago. All the parameters are good. He is under a 175watt MH, which could be different then what he was use too.

I was not sure of their splitting process, it looks like a line is forming directly across the mouth on the top and along the foot.

If it is a split, it will likely take a while. My ricordeas fold up their sides even as they are dividing and it seems to have nothing to do with the division itself, at least until the later stages of division. I think it is just to get more light exposure.