Also I highly doubt it was designed for a nano proof being the post before my original.
Why do you turn it off for testing?
Because if I dont turn it off and pull out the salt water from the tank, it replaces it with RO water, in turn causing the salinity to go down... All I want to do is to turn it off so that I have time to replace the water. If I add the water before removing it from the tank, it triggers the float switch and the alarm. Second, when I wish to feed my coral and have to turn off the return pumps, the levels rise above the safety float, once again causing the alarm to go off. I know I can turn the alarm to be silent, but the whole point of it is so that I am warned if the water is too low in the reservoir or if it has topped off too much.
Not junk at all and very simple to solve this minor problem by removing the hose until it shuts off. I just run it back in my reservoir problem solved unless the power goes out.
Or its a problem if access to remove the hose is difficult. The point is not that there are other ways around it, its that what is considered the "top of the line" product which is in the top price range for this device should not have you figure out "fixes" for what could be resolved through a better design. I dont expect ecotech to design a pump that turns on at full blast for the first 10 seconds of operation and ask its customers to just pull it out of the tank while it does that... that would be ludicrous, and so is asking someone to just unhook the return hose every time after charging a premium price. Personally understand the fact that it tops off a little extra amount so as not to turn the pump as frequently (and the extra time on that is ok, as that water will evaporate), what I dont see a point to is for the pump to run right off the bat when its just turned on...
I own two of them and while I have never timed them I can say 10 seconds is an accurate guess as to how long they run when turned back on.
Its true... and the worst, is that I have to pump it about 3.5 feet up, setting it on the nano setting doesnt create enough pressure for it to actually pump the water up that high... and the lowest setting at which it does, the stream is quite steady, so the 10 seconds makes a big deal.
I had to go ahead and buy a check valve, I'll see if that, along with the minimum pump speed will help the problem, but Im still frustrated that I have to do that. Id expect this from a DIY kit or a cheapo top off, but not from tunze. Although this is the first time Ive dealt with a tunze product and as of right now, my expectation of their products is not so high.
Now I dont own any other top off system, so I cant bash them too much considering even in this state it quite possibly might be the best, but it would have been nice to know that this is a possible issue on a nano tank (none of the instructions or reviews or ads mentioned this - at least none that I could find in the two months Ive spent researching what the best system for my tank is)